Anxiety Eliminated

Elimination of Anxiety, Limiting Belief Patterns, Blocks to Personal and Professional Growth, 

Food Addictions, Trauma, ADD, Business Coaching

Deborah Bird, C.Ht. MBA

Certified Hypnotherapist and Health Coach

95% Successful

In-Person, Zoom, and Phone Sessions All Work Well



Stop Smoking, Leukemia, Stress:

Barbara is s stop smoking client who wanted to give up after the  second appointment.  She said:  "I don't think this is working for me".  Here is her testimomial.  "I decided to try hypnosis to stop smoking, after trying the patch, pill, gum etc.  I had been smoking three- quarters to one pack a day.  Nothing seemed to work for me and this was my last hope.  After my first session with Ms. Bird, it became evident to both of us that my problem was stress.  I have several medical problems including a rare form of leukemia.  I was also having problems with my shoulders.  I could hardly raise my arms above my waist without pain.  I knew I had a torn rotator cuff on the right side, but no
physical reason for the pain on the left.   I was also having
some personal problems.  My second session, we started working on my stress.  I cold not believe the results.  I no longer have pain in the left shoulder and minimal pain in the right.  My blood readings have been reduced to the point of being in remission.  My stress level is reduced as I have learned to handle the stress in my life with hypnosis. 
My personal problems have resolved. My smoking is now down to five cigarettes a day and I hope in the very near future to eliminate it completely.  I thank Ms. Bird for helping me be a healthier, happier person.  Barbara, Bella Vista, AR

Fayetteville School Teacher Healed From Longstanding TMJ:

Jennifer Dowdle is feeling thankful this year that her intensely painful TMJ of the past nine years is finally gone after a few sessions of hypnosis. Jennifer suffered from TMJ for over nine years, which she describes as: "..a sharp jaw to ear pain, which I felt 90% of my waking time." Jennifer, a primary level school teacher for over sixteen years, and a
Fayetteville resident, was hopeful that hypnosis would work, but also discouraged that anything would ever work after going to a doctor twice and seeing a dentist every 6 months. The dentist gave her a mouth night guard to help her at night made out of a heavy plastic like substance, but she chewed
through a couple of them. She also tried a dietary upplement called glucosamine, marketed to support the structure and function of joints, and went to see a specialist in China - all with no results. Her only option for relief was to take aspirin throughout the day, sometimes up to eight.  She finally made the decision to go see Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist,
Deborah Bird of Fayetteville, where she received five sessions of hypnotherapy.  On her fourth visit she said: "I feel much better, but I am not expecting this to completely go away." By her fifth session, her TMJ was completely

Stop Smoking

Deborah Henning
Nurse, UNC Hospitals

Challenge: Deborah wanted to quit smoking. She had started smoking
cigarettes when she was sixteen years old.

What were your expectations about hypnosis?
“I was desperate to find anything at all that would work. Nothing had worked. I
tried cold turkey, reducing gradually, Troche - the nicotine lozenges - which
gave me heart palpitations, Chantrix, Wellbutrin. Most of these methods worked,
but then I started smoking again.”

Do you feel that you might start again after
these hypnosis sessions:
“After what I have gone through over these past few weeks”, (referring to
anxiety inducing incidents in her personal life) “if I didn’t start smoking
then, I don’t know what could make me want to smoke.”

What do you think about the results of your
hypnosis session?
“If I start thinking about smoking again I replay all the things we talked
about in hypnosis, or I hit the anchor you gave me. I think about my commitment
to my husband and my kids. I met my husband in a phase of life when I only
smoked with others who smoked. Then gradually over the past two years I have
been increasing and began smoking all the time”

What else helped you in this process?
"I started working out one month prior to beginning my stop smoking
hypnosis. The hypnosis helped in this regard because I was able to stop
immediately, and I felt better during my exercise routines thereby encouraging
me to work out more.
I did want to munch a bit more during the stop smoking process, however because
we dealt with that in hypnosis, I didn’t gain weight."

How would you describe stop smoking with
hypnosis to someone who is brand new to it?  "Its easy and painless. All you need to do is to show up and
use the tools… open minded and work through it. I didn’t know how it would
work, but I was willing to give it a shot. I am so grateful. I couldn’t have
done it without you."

Every client leaves with a backup plan for
emotional turmoil and for smoking urges that may arise. Their subconscious
minds are embedded with the two most common reasons for starting smoking again,along with a concrete step-by-step process for dealing with these challenges.

Hello Deborah,
I am writing to express my deep appreciation for your kindness in visiting me in
the hospital. Your presence, hypnotherapy and Reiki contributed greatly to my
well-being. Although I could not express it fully at the time, my spirit and
body took it in and turned me around at a very discouraging stage in my
process. I felt warmly cared for in an otherwise alien environment.

That's my story that I wanted to share with you and to thank you for not only bringing me comfort in the hospital but for being largely responsible for my
release. I hope to do something as nice for you someday but in a happier, healthier situation.

Love,Marilyn Penrod Artist Chapel Hill, NC


“I feel like I am so much happier than I use to be. I don’t have any problems anymore. Before I started going to see you, I never would have thought that my anxiety would be next to gone now. Now it’s a lot easier to make conversation with others than before.” Hannah M., Bentonville, AR. Hannah is a young woman who suffered from anxiety most her life. Previously, she found social interaction to be challenging, and now she says: “That part of my life is much easier.” These are Hannah’s comments after four sessions - three of which were done via Skype. Hannah is beginning a new job with a major corporation and is feeling comfortable and secure in who she is during this normally stressful time period.

Hannah's mother also
Good morning Deborah, I'm thrilled with the progress Hannah has made in her sessions. We have spoken
frequently about any changes that she is experiencing and her responses have been very encouraging. She has also begun to take up for herself and be her own
advocate. It's wonderful to see these positive changes. I have to admit that I was nervous and skeptical that change would occur so quickly but my negative feelings toward medication options for her spurred me to schedule her appointment. You are welcome to use any of my words in the testimonial. More people need to understand and use alternative therapies before committing to medications through traditional doctors.

Thank you and best wishes,

Robbie M., Bentonville, AR

Hypnosis for Weight Loss Client Amazed by Results From Her Session:

"I am amazed.  I feel in more control of my food cravings than ever before in my life. I normally drink up to 14 sodas a week, and the week after my first hypnosis session, I drank none.   In a previous time in my life, I forced myself to stop drinking sodas for a few months, but I craved them all the time​​.  The most incredible part of hypnosis is that I have not thought about sodas or wanted one this whole past week."

Laurelin V., Occupational Therapist​​, Fayetteville, AR

Hypnosis For Weight Loss

​ ​​​I, of course, like many was skeptical about going to a hypnotist but Deborah was very friendly and personable. She was able to answer all my questions and put me at ease. The main reason I wanted to go and see her was to gain energy and then to also lose weight by eating better. I went for a couple of weeks and it was going well but we realized that I had some medical issues (i.e. thyroid & hormones) that needed taken care of before it would have any lasting affects. Deborah suggested that I stop my appointments and get my thyroid and hormones in control and then start back up I was very impressed that she seemed to truly care about me the person and not about just completing the sessions.

Lisa W. , Springdale, AR​​

​​​Anxiety and Sexual Performance

Chapel Hill Businessman

Challenge: This now middle aged local business man has suffered from anxiety and sexual performance issues since his teens. After four sessions of hypnosis all of these issues were no longer present.

What were your expectations about how and if hypnosis would help you? “I was hoping that it would give me the means to deal with the issue and to improve my sex life and my quality of life. I didn’t have any preconceived ideas about the process. I did a little research online, but still didn’t know if hypnosis was a good option for my issue.”

“I thought I would be out of control in hypnosis, or in a mental state where I didn’t know what was going on. My actual experience was that I was aware, went through the process consciously and I knew what I was doing.”

What do you think about the results of your hypnosis sessions?   "I am very pleased with the results. The
sessions reduced my anxiety and gave me tools to use on my own so that I could deal with any possible future reoccurrence. The sessions also helped me with the issue of overall stress in my work and personal life. Even when I am not in session, I feel much less stress, more in control of life and work after leaving the session."

If you were sitting in front of someone now who was considering getting hypnosis for issues similar to yours, what would you say to them? "I highly recommend hypnotherapy for any type of anxiety."

Fears and Phobias

Michele Masco
Nurse UNC Hospitals

Challenge: As a nurse at UNC hospital, Michele sometimes she works nights. One night as she was driving home she fell asleep on one of the curvy country roads that take her to her home. She went off the road, the car rolled a couple of times and she ended up upside down. At five feet two inches tall Michele has lots of chutzpa. Miraculously, she was still coherent enough, and strong enough, to kick the door open. As she exited
the car she saw a nearby homeowner peering fearfully out the door. He assumed that based on the severity of her accident that he would find a body not a

Subsequently, Michele had intense anxiety
every time she prepared to return home from the hospital. This anxiety intensified as she approached and passed the spot of the accident.

What were your beliefs about hypnosis?
“Although, I do believe in many modalities of
healing and I am open to new things, I believed that I couldn’t be hypnotized.  I am a strong willed person and felt that this would prevent me from being able to give up my will."
What did you expect from your first hypnosis
“I expected that I would not be able to remember the session because I would be out of it – in another realm. I
experienced it as being very peaceful and calm state and realized that it had nothing to do with not being aware. I was surprised that it was interactive – you were talking to me and I was answering.”

After hypnosis, what did you experience when
driving home from work and going past the spot where your accident occurred?

“The first time I drove home, I was already anxious and tired about other things before I started driving. When I started getting close to the spot, I started using my anchor. I had to concentrate, but was able to get by the spot without too much discomfort. The second time I went by, I laughed after I went by it because I didn’t dread getting into the car for the trip home and I didn’t even think about it when I passed the spot.”

What would you say to another person that was
sitting in front of you right now who had been through a traumatic incident like yours?
“As a nurse who works with critical care patients, I see many people who could benefit from hypnosis. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who has a traumatic incident they need to recover from.”